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How to get a stroller parking permit

I have always wondered how women get their hands on a stroller parking permit or what I like to call “VIB-Very Important Baby” permit. As a mom I feel so vulnerable when I’m out and about with my little one and parking near a store entrance makes me feel safer. It is also much more convenient for rainy days, large cargo, or cranky babies. I thought you had to have special momma privileges or fill out a complicated application to receive a stroller parking permit but NOT AT ALL! Any parent with a baby can get one!

All you need is:

  • Photo ID
  • Baby’s Birth Certificate
  • $35 Dollars
  • Or $15 Dollar Replacement Fee

I recently went with my best friend, who also has a baby, on a mommy stroll to our local justice center and we both got our “VIB” parking pass in about 15 minutes tops for the both of us. I was surprised at how quick we got them.

Here's how:

  • Search online for the closest location near you. Usually sold at your local justice center or certain hospital gift shops. No appointment needed.
  • Parent or legal guardian must be present with photo ID, baby’s birth certificate and cash, check or money order. (Justice center only accept check or money order )

The permit expires a month before the child’s third birthday. Thirty-five dollars for “VIB” parking for three years?! I’ll take it! It is so simple and so worth it. I absolutely recommend it to every parent.

* Keep in mind this is for Miami-Dade County. Other counties or states have different rules and regulations.

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11 Responses

  1. Wow! I didn’t know this was a thing either! How awesome! Thanks for the post! I’m going to look into getting a permit! 🙂

  2. It is in Miami Dade county, Florida but not all counties in Florida have it. I don’t think they do either but this should be a thing everywhere! It’s so awesome!

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